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Text Replace php script

By June 28, 2010June 11th, 2015Development

When it’s needed to replace some text in multiple html files, first of all you’re starting thinking about this boring monotonous work.

For example, you have almost finished slicing about 30 pages from PSD to HTML. And the customer requests to replace JUST some of the links in the footer and one link in the header for example on each page. It’s cool if you could use PHP or SSI includes. But if the customer wants a clean and simple HTML markup. What would you to do in this case?

Please feel free to check out and use our Text Replace php script.

System requirements

Recommended: PHP 5.2.x
Required: PHP version 5.x.x or higher
PHP versions 4.x are not supported because property visibility and method visibility used (public or private).


Please see Text Replace php script demo page.
You can see example html page and you can replace any line of text or html there.
Also you can see example css file and provide test changes as well.


Version Downloads Date
1.0 zip (2.85 KB) 2010-June-20

To do

  • Currently the script produces only one-line replacement in files.
    In the next revision we are planning to add the ability to replace multiline blocks.